It is an honour of the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University to welcome the representatives from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Fine Arts, Vietnam, to discuss about the future collaboration between the two institutions.

ข้อมูลเมื่อ : 26 ตุลาคม 2565

681 เข้าชม


It is an honour of the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University to welcome the representatives from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Fine Arts, Vietnam, to discuss about the future collaboration between the two institutions.

Assoc.Prof. NGUYEN VAN MINH, PhD, Rector of University

National Teacher TRUONG PHI DUC, PhD, former Rector of University , lecturer of the Faculty of Art Theory and Art Education


Mr.NGO VIET HUNG - Director of University Board of Trustees

Mrs.NGUYEN THI PHUONG NGA - Director of Administration Department

Ms.TRAN NGOC ANH, lecturer of the Faculty of Art Theory and Art Education

Mr. DAC DAO, manager of International Affaires of HCM University of Fine Arts and Deputy Head of International Affaires Department of Fine Arts Assoc.- HCMC
